Friday, 18 May 2012

Stationery, not moving

In numerous cupboards, drawers and cabinets spread across the land
Vast stocks of office treasure can be spied
These vaults contain desirable stuff plus there’s quite a lot else beside.
Notebooks, erasers, hole-punches, blank disks, plastic folders, pin tacks too
Biros, sellotape, bulldog clips, rubber bands, fugitive glue
Tipex, toners, gaffer tape, plastic sacks
Paper clips, blu-tack, record cards, folders, wax crayon packs
Staplers, staples and plastic holders
CD-RWs, OHP pens, floppy discs, card holders
Each office sheriff guards this valued store
Doling out minimum quantities, don’t be an Oliver and ask for more.
Never admitting to other departments they might have some spare
Even if they have an urgent need and despair
Of replacements coming the very next day
No OHP felt pens, there’s hell to pay.
Oddly the store seems to exceed annual consumption,
But supplies are still ordered, the department must function.
The cupboard bulges with more requisites in store,
I suppose they order in case of apocalyptic war,
Where office supplies become hard to obtain
No dry wipe markers, the eternal shame.
There’s a restriction on pay, overtime is not paid
Redundancies are common, savings are made
But somehow the packed cupboards are out of Finance’s sight
Spending increases, this cannot be right,
Stationery suppliers love it, they're not confused
‘It’s like Coleman’s Mustard, 
We make money from what isn't used.

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