Wednesday, 23 May 2012

I present

You’d think that communication would be easy with all the technology
we have.
That ideas, plans, concepts, reviews, analysis could be passed on so easily
to all.
An audience would be persuaded, informed, kept up to date, instructed
at once.
I’m giving up the will to live, I’m going to fall asleep
The speaker keeps droning on, I’m falling off my seat.

Slides are full with paragraphs there’s fewer words on a page of a dictionary
I’m sure.
The speaker has over 100 slides to show, attenuation of data is not a skill
they know.
People say they hate public speaking so much yet talk for hours
non stop.
My eyes are feeling heavy, I think I might just snore
I’m going to make a run for it to the nearest exit door.

Slides are used as a script the medium being stronger than the message
it seems.
Backs are turned to the audience the speaker ignores them whilst speaking
for ever.
My definition of eternity is this beginning, muddle then merciful end
please stop.
I want to scream ‘It makes no sense a law maker we should appoint
And pass immediate legislation to outlaw PowerPoint.

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