Why we hate the
We are the senior management team, the captains of the ship
Our goal to increase the wealth of share and
And, of course, all of us in the team, whilst we’re at it.
We have our human assets, the most important thing we claim,
The company relies on staff, exploits them madly
Well, it’s just our little game.
We set the strategy for the company (it includes our
personal wealth)
We give ourselves big cars, share options, bonuses
And BUPA for our health.
We set the staff objectives, performance they must meet,
Impossible and unreasonable they may be,
They complain, we won’t accept defeat.
Our staff, we say are vital, please believe our professional
We repeat that lie ad ifinitum
Until we make the lot redundant.
Why we hate the
We are the staff, the rank and file, the sales processes we
Despite the rubbish passed down to us by management
We try to avoid defeat.
We do think the customer important, they pay our weekly
We try and work hard whilst we are here,
Management shout loudly,’ Increase productivity or we go
Work harder, longer for less pay, the company must survive’
It makes us feel like worker drones in a rather rubbish bee
We try and talk to management, but it’s if we just weren’t
Our ideas are passed by, our complaints ignored,
They’re not interested in what is and isn’t fair.
‘We have your best interests at heart, there is no need to
‘Things are going well, there are no concerns.’
But we know they will get rid of us.
Why we hate everyone
We are the middle management stuck in the friendly fire
Pressure comes plummeting down from on high
And up from the staff we hire.
Senior management is appalling, the staff in open revolt,
The shop floor is threatening wildcat strikes.
Management are hiding, they don’t think they're at fault.
We have to pass the messages up the chain then back down to
the staff.
We relay demands and messages; both parties say ‘You’re
having a laff.’
It’s like being the filling in a sandwich
Being squeezed hard from both sides all the time,
You can’t just can’t win there’s no end in sight.
It’s just hopeless.