Friday, 22 June 2012


At this moment in time we need a paradigm shift,
We don’t want to get thrown under the bus
Especially when going forward,
We value-add, quality is job one, we don’t fuss.
I’m drinking from a fire hose but let’s park that robust idea for now,
Because we’re getting some push back at the coal face,
Take if off line, it’s going viral and trending but actually we don’t know how.
We think it really Web 2.0 but definitely needs some more boots on the ground,
Let’s square the circle with Marketing,
It’s our cash cow, the synergies are sound.
Pick the low hanging fruit, take a deeper dive, then salute it,
And score some very quick wins,
We’re singing from the same song sheet,
No sloppy thinking, we’re using the very same next gen hymns.
The USP needs more bandwidth, let’s blue sky do the visionary thing,
We’re team players, but this is game changing,
Ready, fire, aim, touch base later, there you go the fat lady sings.
I sit in meetings baffled, their speech leaves me confused and reeling,
The language is one of obfuscation, thinking not structured but fuzzy,
It totally numbs me and I’m left with no feeling,
Well we are where are and it is as it is and these thought leaders lead us to success,
However where we are going is muddy not transparent,
It's opaque I have to confess,
I stagger out none the wiser, I hear what you say, I’m your go-past guy,
At the end of the day I learn nothing, have a nice day, but please excuse me,
Deal with it? I’m going over there to cry.

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