Monday 23 July 2018

Falls of Fame

I've never been very good with the names and faces of celebrities. That's a euphemism for hopeless.

Friends, colleagues, people I've met years before, no problem. 

But celebrities - there's a blockage.

Let me demonstrate.

Catching a train from Stratford-upon-Avon one morning recently my wife said to me quietly ‘Did you see where the kid with the freckles has gone?’

’No I didn't’ I replied, thinking that an odd question. My wife looked at me questioningly (as she often does) but said no more.

A few stops later she leaned forward and spoke ‘What I said was, did you see you were sitting next to Christopher Eccelston?’ Oh!

A few years ago, walking down the road towards the centre of Stratford-upon-Avon I saw a woman I recognised, probably from the school run. I said a breezy good morning, she replied in the same vein and I carried on walking thinking her name will come to me soon.
It did about an hour later. 
Dame Judie Dench.

A flight from the States many years ago. The English male sitting next to me was familiar though I couldn't place him (but, being British, wouldn't dare consider asking why he was familiar), chatted occasionally as you do and we received some splendid service from the British Airways staff. It was only on the drive home from Heathrow I realised who he was. Duncan Goodhew.

I was the host at a series of Peugeot car launches at sporting venues and events around the country. Remember the 405? I was at the Newmarket racecourse and had to give a short introductory speech to the guests then introduce the invited sporting celebrity. A man and woman made their way to me at the podium. ‘I’m Peter’ he said ‘and this is my wife. ‘Pleased to meet you’ I replied ‘we have a table seating plan, let me find out where you are sitting.’
‘I’m Peter Scudamore’ he said. ‘Champion jump jockey? Your sporting host?’ Covered in confusion I gabbled out an apology. Peter was the perfect gentleman. ‘No problem at all, why should you know who I am.’ Thank you Mr Scudamore. 

Next, a host at a prestigious club in London, again with Peugeot. Lunch and an inspirational speaker. 
Male arrives at reception desk
Me. ‘Good morning we have a table seating plan if I might just have your name.’
'Alan Lamb.'
'Sorry Mr Lamb just can't find your name on the seating plan please bear with me.'
'Alan Lamb. Cricketer. Your speaker.'
Shall we just say that Alan was not as gracious as Peter Scudamore at that juncture.




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