I've been unemployed for ten weeks now. However I have had a part time job for eight of those weeks so clearly that has meant that I have been unable to help Mrs Eyes on the Prize with housework or do any of those DIY jobs that should really be completed.
The part time job pays enough to cover the main bills (even after tax) so that means we haven't yet had to eat baked potatoes every day washed down by a refreshing glass of cold tap water though it has been intimated to me that if those DIY jobs don't get done then I may find the menu undergoes a mysterious change for the worst for certain people. And it's no good saying go and do the cooking yourself. When Mrs EotP was in hospital for a few days some years ago the children rushed into the ward when we went to visit her saying "When are you coming home mummy?" "That's nice" said Mrs EotP, "Are you missing me?" "No" they retorted looking hard at me "Daddy can't cook, he's burnt fish fingers and keeps asking would we like to go to McDonalds for dinner." I know when I am whipped.
When you are at work you have a routine, start and finish times, lunch, whinging moments with your colleagues, regular character assassination sessions, long cups of coffee meetings ostensibly to discuss important issues but really because you are so bored you could eat your elbow. You know, all the sort of stuff that makes work really fun. But working part time, well that's a whole different kettle of (in my case burnt) fish.
You see it's like this. I don't see my colleagues. Yes, it's almost the opposite of "I see dead people". I don't see live people anymore. It is all done over the phone or by email. I am sending emails to and fro to Spain, Germany and France to my colleagues. They reply from their respective countries - or do they? Is it them or are they on the next street? I mean, like most Europeans their English is as good as or better than mine. The main office is about 10 miles away from where I live but there is no need to go on a regular basis - emails, the web and the phone mean I can work at home quite easily. I haven't seen the MD since the initial interview for the part time position - am I working for some covert Government operation that only exists occasionally if you need to go to the office - as soon as you leave it is all packed away or becomes deserted until the next time? Clearly my imagination is too overactive.
The result of this not meeting people (and yes they do exist because I met them all in Paris last week) is that a) I am vastly more effective than if I worked in an office. I do more in four hours working from home than a whole day going into an office. b) You miss going into an office because you do not interact with people on a daily basis - phones and emails are not quite the same. I'm not sure how it would work if we all had web cams and could see each other. c) I do not miss the daily commuting - now it's finish breakfast, start work, need coffee, start work again, need chocolate biscuit to go with coffee, start work again. d) Mrs EotP sees a lot of me and some of that time is, allegedly, spent in front of the cooker whilst she is trying to cook or get on with some household stuff.
I am enjoying the part time work. I am not enjoying the being unemployed bit - could I work full time like this? I think I could but, hark, is that a scream of horror from Mrs EotP?
Anyway - it's time for a little entertainment made by Lazy Feet for Eyes on the Prize productions. Click on the link. Maybe it's true...
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