Friday, 13 April 2018

The Redundancy Podcast

I said I'd do it.

I did it.

And it's here. An actual Podcast. Available on iTunes and Sound Cloud. Search for;
The Redundancy Podcast.

Note the matching branding - I'm so versatile that's why I got a job so quickly after redundancy. Oh wait...

Contact via email or @redunancypcast on Twitter.

The focus is on the difficulties of finding a job when you are older. It's hard enough when you are young let's face it.

I don't want this to be a monologue but to share successes, setbacks, tips, pictures of kittens (maybe not that) and have a conversation about the issue. We can talk by Skype, FaceTime, the phone, Twitter, email, actual mail (I think I still recall how to use it).

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